宣传折页印刷 - 2折页,80克铜版纸

    SQL Error: select * from ***_ecms_products where id < 29 and classid 102 and checked=1 order by id desc limit 1
  • SQL Error: select * from ***_ecms_products where id>'29' and classid='102' and checked=1 order by id limit 5 SQL Error: select * from ***_ecms_products where id>'29' and classid='102' and checked=1 order by id limit 1

1. 材料:80克铜版纸,或根据您的要求。
2. 颜色:双面全彩(CMYK)。
3. 折页方式:对折,或根据您的要求。
4. 后道加工:哑胶或光胶,啤压成型。

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